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Space Age Pioneers hold Nov. meeting

Kent Casson

(Lucas Ellis Vice President, Ellie Ellis President, Addy Solomonson Secretary, Bella Binkley Treasurer, Lucy Clemons, Historian, Lydia Clemons Reporter)

The Space Age Pioneers 4-H held their November meeting on Sunday, November 17 at the Chenoa United Methodist Church. 

During the meeting officers were elected for the coming year: Ellie Ellis, President; Lucas Ellis, Vice President; Addy Solomonson, Secretary; Bella Binkley, Treasurer; Lydia Clemons, Reporter; and Lucy Clemons, Historian.  The club also elected CloverBud Junior Leaders and Recreation Leaders.

Leaders Ruth Poppe and Rachel Kridner reviewed the schedule for the coming year.  Awards were presented to club members unable to attend the McLean County 4-H Recognition of Excellence Banquet held earlier this month in Bloomington.  Each family was provided with the Illinois 4-H Project Guide and reminded to register online with the County Extension Office.

Several attending the meeting brought canned food items for the Chenoa Food Pantry Thanksgiving Food Baskets.  The meeting concluded with a game led by one of the new Recreation Leaders and snacks provided by Ellis and Poppe Families.  





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