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Kent Casson

PCPW students tour fire station

(Aaron Rhoades demonstrates fire gear during a student field trip Friday)

Students from Prairie Central Primary West learned about the dangers of fire and the importance of changing batteries in smoke detectors during a visit to the Chenoa Fire Station last week.

Firefighters showed the kids the gear they use, why they wear it and what it does.

“Every year, they come out here and we let them do basically the same thing – I explain to them about smoke detectors and there are stuffed animals we took out of a house that actually caught on fire,” said Reg Allan, Chenoa Fire Department Engineer.

According to Allan, the stuffed animals came from a fire which resulted from a little boy playing with a cigarette lighter that caught his room on fire.

Allan also passed along some important advice when it comes to smoke detectors.

“When you change your clocks, change your batteries.”

Allan had some great help for the student tour on Friday with the assistance of fellow firefighters Aaron and Gavin.

(CFD's Reg Allan shows stuffed animals burned in a fire to PCPW students)

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