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Farnsworth addresses water issues

Kent Casson

(Edgar Becerra with Farnsworth addresses the Chenoa City Council Tuesday)

Representatives of Farnsworth appeared before members of the Chenoa City Council Tuesday evening to discuss water system improvements.

They reviewed a report which was prepared for the city about water.

“This planning study would be the first step to pursue IEPA low-interest loan money,” explained Farnsworth’s Kevin Hannel.

The city’s water loss is now sitting at around 48 percent which is a driving factor as to why Chenoa is looking to do these recommendations. This is not a normal water loss as 10 to 15 percent or less is where it should be.

Work would consist of mainly replacing old cast iron water mains throughout the city and hooking them all together. The cost is $4.15 million which is the worst-case scenario with no possibility of getting money back from an IEPA loan.

“We would suggest doing it in phases,” advised Edgar Becerra with Farnsworth.

Rate increases could be spread out so it is not one big hit for city residents.

For phase one, mains would be replaced from Owsley to the downtown area then Mill from Veto to Division, Lincoln from Veto to Division, Morehead to Pickett, Main from First to Second street, northwest of the city on Sunset Drive, Crittenden and Pickett and Second Street from Lincoln to Cemetery Avenue.

“Most of these on phase one are located centrally and in the downtown area,” noted Becerra.

Phase two is mainly south of Cemetery Avenue and includes spots between Owsley and Franklin, Veto between Lincoln and Owsley, Mason from Fuller to Cemetery and Sheridan from Fuller to Cemetery.

Becerra presented a map to council members where he found lead service line locations which is figured into the cost.

“There are 39 red dots around there,” said Becerra.

There is grant money available to replace service lines but it might not last long. When the city is comfortable with the study and wants to proceed, it will be submitted by Farnsworth to the IEPA. A funding nomination form will also be done and the city will be on a list.

“We would do the loan application and the design simultaneously,” explained Hannel.

In another matter Tuesday night, Zack Lopeman covered upcoming events for the 4th of July Association. This includes a cash bash on Saturday, April 6, community sale on Saturday, April 13 and July 3 street dance downtown. The association is asking for a liquor license for the cash bash and street dance. They may hold the sale closer to the gazebo so a local business can have an event that day.

Lopeman will upgrade power in the park and will let Ameren know to proceed. This should be done by the spring Shop ‘n Go event and for July 3.

The council voted to appoint Caleb Painter to the Chenoa Zoning Board.

“I think he’s going to be really good,” said Chenoa Mayor David Shane.

Lopeman gave an update on the Route 24 and 66 intersection and will move forward with Ameren on street lights. There is an option to put 100-amp service out there at no additional cost.

Mayor Shane reminded everyone to attend the upcoming March 11 meeting at Prairie Central High School about the future of district facilities.

“It was a great turnout there last night,” he said of the previous meeting.





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