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Kent Casson

Easter fundraiser helps ministry

(Photo via Project Nehemiah Ministries/Megan Meyer for Chenoa News)

How would you like to have your home egged for Easter? Easter egged that is.

Local volunteers will hand deliver and hide over 50 eggs in the yards of families on Easter morning as a spring fundraiser for Project Nehemiah Ministries.

“My kids are stuffing Easter eggs,” said volunteer Megan Meyer. “We did just shy of 1,000 the other day so we are looking to get some donations and just make someone’s Easter a little easier.”

Meyer will do her best to get everyone’s orders filled but the sooner they get those orders in the better. It would be best if all orders were in by the Friday prior to Easter and there is a hunt-to-go option available for families to hide the eggs on their own. These to-go hunts will be offered at Crossroads Café in Chenoa.

“It’s a great way to bring the community together,” Meyer said.

Project Nehemiah Ministries is a non-profit organization which heads-up several different initiatives in India. They help others by spreading the word about Jesus.

“Some of the places don’t even have a church to hold any kind of service in so it started out by putting up shelters for those folks, passing out bibles and spreading the word of the grace that God gives us,” Meyer explained.

Area residents Rod and Laura Kodavatikanti saw there was a need for something even greater so they started King’s Kids which is an orphanage in India.

“King’s Kids started taking children in, giving them shelter, putting food on the table for them and giving them companionship and love – things they didn’t have previously.”

The orphanage has around 150 children but they care for more than that. The idea is to give children hope, share the Gospel and educate them. Project Nehemiah also has a sewing project which helps widows and single mothers by giving them a trade to earn their own money and be self-sufficient.

This Easter fundraiser not only raises awareness and results in extra prayers for the project but also helps cover funds for the daily expenses of the ministry in India.

“We did a meal fundraiser a couple of years ago but with COVID, that’s difficult to do now,” admits Meyer.

A donation of $50 is suggested for a delivered egg hunt or $35 for the to-go option.

More information can be obtained by contacting Meyer via phone or text at 815-325-3238 or by looking for the Facebook event, “Get Egged! Project Nehemiah’s Spring Fundraiser.” Several local businesses have supported the mission which is much appreciated by Meyer and the other organizers.

The Kodavatikantis will be the ones handling the hunt to-go portion of the fundraiser while Meyer and Darcy Atkins will be making the Easter egg deliveries early on Easter morning.

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