The Chenoa City Council continued discussion on a water rate increase during Tuesday night’s regular meeting.
According to Mayor David Shane, the city basically has to raise the average monthly rate to a little over $88. Various options were explored and the average bill now is slightly over $57.
“We are going to have to raise that more than 30 dollars and some cents,” Shane explained.
The mayor proposes $25 for the first thousand gallons flat rate with a per gallon thereafter variable rate of $0.024. This would result in an average monthly bill of $88.64. This is expected to be voted on at the next council meeting.
“None of us want it but we’ve got to do something,” stated resident Sally Decker.
The city has reached out to Senator Bennett and there is a place residents can go for help with utilities.
In another matter, Commissioner Zack Lopeman said a citizen in town asked about putting a sales tax increase to a referendum. Lopeman noted the city is able to raise the sales tax without a referendum if the increase is a certain level.
Though it is estimated much of the sales tax comes from residents in town, it is hard to measure who the money comes from.
“This is a use tax, it’s not for schools,” clarified City Attorney Steve Mann.
“I just have a hard time raising any more taxes,” stated Mayor Shane.
Lopeman noted people choose to spend money on sales tax.
The council approved amending metal siding provisions under the Chenoa Zoning Code. The Zoning Board has agreed to it and Attorney Mann has looked into it.
Discussion also focused on the city-owned house regarding asbestos abatement or selling the property. An estimate came in at $6,900.
“If we want to demolition the house, we have to abate it,” said Lopeman.
During public comment, one man thanked the city for alley work while another expressed displeasure in seeing commercial property torn down.
“Has anyone called EPA yet to see what you need to do?” the man asked. “They are the boss, I guarantee that.”
Sally Decker said a group of people talked about getting together for a swimming pool fundraiser. The mayor listed plenty of work which needs to be done there including a pipe from the deep end to the bottom of the pump house and putting a liquid chorine system in. Engineers will be putting together a proposal.
In the Treasurer’s report, it was revealed there was a surplus in the general fund, MFT and TIF with deficits for the pool and water and sewer fund, as of July 31.
Commissioner Hernandez reported certain unsafe homes in the community were identified after a drive around town. Letters were sent with code violations.
“Some other houses got letters for having junk outside,” stated Hernandez.
Resident Liz Easley said the city parks look nice.
“Kudos to the person that’s doing the parks.”
Lopeman said he had a request for a sign honoring a recent Eagle Scout rank being attained. This would be up to the city as the state stopped doing signs for everything except achievements with the IHSA, IESA and FFA. The state still provides those at their expense.
A back-and-forth discussion followed between Lopeman and Mayor Shane with questions surrounding a bill from the Chenoa 4th of July Committee sent to the city for generators used downtown during the celebration. Shane would like to know who the committee rented them from but did not get an answer.
“Shouldn’t we see an invoice from the company?” asked Commissioner Bev Pickett.
Then Lopeman fired off several questions to the mayor such as where they are at with the old buildings in poor shape, fire hydrants which don’t work, a water meter for the mobile home park and a business which parks trailers on the road.
While providing some basic answers, Shane suggested this should be done in closed session.
Mayor Shane revealed a recent issue involving Republic where there was trash on Route 24 in town. Also, an entire block of trash cans did not get dumped.
It was also noted at the meeting that Commissioner J.E. Myers has stepped down.